Access the tools, techniques, and processes to
keep your energy clean & clear
and to move forward with grace and ease.

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Energy Upgrade

immediately upon purchase!

  • Total payment
  • 1xEnergy Upgrade$397

All prices in USD

In Energy Upgrade, you will receive everything you need to know to release stuck energy for yourself and your family. 

We’ll show you:  
  • The energy-clearing tools that are right for you (and where to purchase them) so you never have to go searching for which to use in which circumstance. 
  • How to connect to the energy medicine of your ancestors, so you are using items that have the strongest association with your own family lineage. 
  •  Processes to connect to protectors and allies in nature, such as animals, trees, and flowers, that are ready and willing to support and guide you. 
  • A simple 5-minute morning process that surrounds you with strong, powerful energy and keeps you protected from whatever other energetic influences you may encounter in your day. 
  • The key components of energetically clearing your space so you can plan, work and play in spaces filled with love, joy, and ease.
